onsdag, juli 25, 2012

Part-time Real Estate Local Agent Needed

Good Morning

I am a Human Resources manager with a future-oriented international company.
Our business is dealing with immovable property reselling activities across
USA. We are proud to furnish you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become
a local agent for our company right now.

Our company is engaged in:
- Reselling of blue-chip real estate;
- Buying out premium real estate;
- Processing immovables related documentation of all types;
- Leasing of production space designed for offices or plants.

And many other.

You need to be available for the job between 9 AM till 2 PM Monday through
Friday, your local time.

Your salary will be $48,000 a year with a fixed commission charge rate on
each successfully executed contract. You will be entitled to render the
aforementioned services in your local area, as well as you will receive
legal aid and financial support.

If you you.re going to be a sound addition to our company.s staff, please
reply to this email find-real-estate-job@hotmail.com and we will send you
extra details and some necessary paperwork in the nearest term.